About the book

Poems for

Praise, Comfort, and Joy

Ronald Jirovec

My poetry covers a wide variety of topics, with the main one being scriptural instruction and wisdom. I also write about life, mysteriousness, hard times and testing, adventurous hiking, other people, intelllectual and philosophical introspection, comfort, and hope for the future. I will challenge you to seek god and discover his plans for you.

Ron was born in Merrill, Wisconsin and was intrigued with writing and poetry while studying literature at the University of Wisconsin in Stevens Point. He came to know the Lord and began his Christian studies. Many interesting forms of rhyming poetry came forth. The Lord revealed that writing, studying, and poetry would become a lifetime adventure as described in his poem, “My Odyssey.” Come, join me now
and see what I learned and discovered. My approximate poems of around 450 have topical indexes to them in each book. You can read and study by topic, if you wish to. There are close to 2 dozen topics in volume 1 alone. Enjoy!

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